Thursday, July 01, 2010

Tak semua mimpi tinggal mimpi,kan?

  1. Dear late friend,I wish you're still alive to share this epic moment.
  2. We once,along with the other Editoral Board members,REDOX shared a dream to publish a perfect school yearbook,remember?
  3. Well our dream wasn't quite came true,right?
  4. But I'm lucky to be given another chance at my school to be part of the editorial board team.
  5. A small part though as 'reporter'.
  6. But the editorial board team is so cool.
  7. Probably the designing team because the outcome of their work hard is indescribable by words-in short it's perfect.
  8. And the more awesome thing about the school yearbook is 95% of pages are printed in colour and the cover is of glossy paper so RM42 which is to be billed to my parents will be worth it.
  9. Now dear late friend,I really can die happily because one of my many dreams has come true.=)

Once upon a time=)